Marlow Opportunity Playgroup

Registered charity no. 1177581    Ofsted Registered





Useful links


The Buckinghamshire Family Information Service (BFIS) is a free, impartial service providing information, advice, and guidance for young people, families and professionals. We provide information on a range of topics relating to family life, from childcare, local services and education, to health, money and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


Contact a family exists to support the families of disabled children whatever their condition or disability.


Space Family support group is a parent-led group that meets monthly to chat, listen ... as we support each other in caring for one another and for any child that has behavioural difficulties.


Nutritionist Resource features a wealth of advice and guidance pages on a wide ranging number of nutrition topics. This includes pages dedicated to pre-school children and lunch box ideas.


Ofsted section for Marlow Opportunity Playgroup


Bucks County Council Early years and Childcare - Support and advice on all aspects of childcare and early years education. Includes information on childcare funding.





Supported by:


Marlow Opportunity Playgroup has a good relationship with local companies, groups and schools and is extremely grateful to them for their continued support. This includes the following:


Heart of Bucks - connecting people who care with local causes that matter.


The Grant Foundation, The Entertainer




Edward Gostling Foundation


Ethypharm UK


Michael Shanly


Garfield Weston


Goldman Sachs




Red Kite Springboard Fund


Marlow Round Table


Marlow Thames Rotary Club


Marlow Rotary Club


Marlow Inner Wheel


Marlow Santa’s Fun Run (organised by the Rotary Clubs of Marlow)


Marlow Methodist Church


Bourne End and Wooburn Green Relief in Sickness Charity


The Masons


SBAD (South Bucks Association for the Disabled)


Community Fund of National Lottery


Youth Music




We would also like to acknowledge our appreciation of the wider MOP family without whose support (financial or otherwise) we would not be able to offer this unique service to Bucks.



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